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People You Should Know

  • Terry Brock, MBA, CSP
    If you want to know the latest and greatest technical tools impacting today's business world, he's your man.
  • Ken Futch, CSP
    This guy is just plain funny all the time. Turns out he's also smart. His book, Take Your Best Shot, is as good as his terrific speeches.
  • Gene Griessman, PhD.
    This award-winning author helps companies understand what it takes to truly lead, much in the way Abraham Lincoln did. A fascinating man.
  • Sue Dyer
    Nobody knows more about large project management, especially in the construction industry.
  • Chris Clarke-Epstein, CSP
    A great speaker who writes and speaks provocatively about "thinking for a change."
  • Rebecca Morgan, CSP
    This smart consultant in San Jose, CA helps companies perform better.
  • Gayle Oliver
    A terrific executive recruiter and career coach in Atlanta.
  • Richard Edelman
    The CEO of Edelman, the world's largest independent PR firm.
  • Susan B. Wilson, MBA, CSP
    Susan is a delightful, smart facilitator, author, speaker, and trusted executive coach who gets results!
  • Steve Rubel
    Steve Rubel explores how new technologies are transforming marketing, media and public relations at

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Hi, came over from the Georgia Carnival. I understand your reluctance and suspicion. I registered with Linkedin, but I am not sure how to leverage it and whether it will be all that helpful. I take a wait and see approach to these new things.

Travis Northcutt

As a college student, and occasional, non-prolific user of Facebook, I completely agree. I've avoided adding "friends" haphazardly on Facebook, and have even deleted people that I don't have real-life contact with (and don't plan on having in the future).


You're not being too dismissive. Like you I get dozens of requests to both link AND recommend people. I turn most of them down.

I'll link to someone if they know me. As a speaker a LOT of people know me and can speak knowledgeably about what I can offer. Unfortunately, that's not true in reverse. I don't know every audience member.

I've created my own 'rules' for Linkedin. I'll accept a link request from almost anyone (some rare exceptions)

BUT I'll only recommend someone if I've actually worked with them on some project for some reasonable length of time. At least a month.

Even that has some complexities. There are people I've interacted with for a dozen or more years, but we've never met face to face. Based on that type of relationship there's only so much I can offer about them, but it's sufficient to met my own rules.

And yes... saying no to a request is a delicate operation.

Enjoy the day.

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