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People You Should Know

  • Terry Brock, MBA, CSP
    If you want to know the latest and greatest technical tools impacting today's business world, he's your man.
  • Ken Futch, CSP
    This guy is just plain funny all the time. Turns out he's also smart. His book, Take Your Best Shot, is as good as his terrific speeches.
  • Gene Griessman, PhD.
    This award-winning author helps companies understand what it takes to truly lead, much in the way Abraham Lincoln did. A fascinating man.
  • Sue Dyer
    Nobody knows more about large project management, especially in the construction industry.
  • Chris Clarke-Epstein, CSP
    A great speaker who writes and speaks provocatively about "thinking for a change."
  • Rebecca Morgan, CSP
    This smart consultant in San Jose, CA helps companies perform better.
  • Gayle Oliver
    A terrific executive recruiter and career coach in Atlanta.
  • Richard Edelman
    The CEO of Edelman, the world's largest independent PR firm.
  • Susan B. Wilson, MBA, CSP
    Susan is a delightful, smart facilitator, author, speaker, and trusted executive coach who gets results!
  • Steve Rubel
    Steve Rubel explores how new technologies are transforming marketing, media and public relations at

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Gary Goldhammer

Marilynn, very well said. And yes, consider me part of the protest :-)

Rebecca Morgan


Thank you for taking such a strong stance on this. The whole book deal and subsequent publicity sickens me.

I wish there were a way you could communicate the boycotted advertisers in a way that didn't get them more publicity. Pehaps an email to your pals?

Your fan,


Myra McElhaney

Dear Marilynn,

You're right! I'm disgusted by the thought that a book publisher and a TV producer would give O.J. this platform.

Sad to think that they can so easily be blinded by the possibility of ratings and loose all concept of right or good.

The advertisers should know better. I'm with you, let's boycott any company that sponsors this show!


Gary Goldhammer

Well, I guess our protest worked :-)

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